
Pro-LGBT Republicans circulate petition to force floor debate

The group told repoters and fellow committee members they had the support of 37 delegates Tuesday night, but the effort began to unravel shortly thereafter.


The platform will be formally voted on by Republican delegates at the start of their convention on Monday. The laws have become controversial at the state level across the country.

Finally, Republicans added a passage on pornography, describing it as a “public menace”, particularly for children, and “a public health crisis that is destroying the life of millions”, according to Yahoo News.

The debates over the platform on Monday touched on a variety of topics, from endangered species to medical marijuana to abortion and global trade.

Washington, D.C. delegate Rachel Hoff-who introduced herself as the first openly gay member of the platform committee-proposed an amendment to rewrite the GOP position on same-sex marriage to recognize the “diverse and sincerely held views on marriage within the party”, in place of language opposing same-sex marriage. Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage, reported CNN, with a new plank that in the current draft calls for a reversal of Obergefell vs. Hodges: “We urge (the decision’s) reversal whether through judicial reconsideration or a constitutional amendment returning control over marriage to the states”.

Delegates also changed language that offers a warning to children of same-sex parents: “Children raised in a traditional two-parent household tend to be physically and emotionally healthier, less likely to sue drugs and alcohol, engage in crime or become pregnant outside of marriage”. These delegates believe the more than 60-page draft platform is straying from its original goal of communicating the party’s principles to voters and veering off into unnecessary, wonky debates.

It goes on to back “gay conversion therapy” in which prayer is used in an effort to change sexual orientation.

The move could also force a potentially messy floor debate on national television as Republicans try to defend all the elements of the lengthy platform, including provisions like one passed Monday declaring internet porn a “public health crisis” and the anti-LGBT language.

Trump has called for marriage to be a state issue, and declared he is a candidate that will protect LGBT Americans. “We will promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world”.

Rutledge, a former attorney for the Republican National Committee, said she hopes to focus on Constitution-related issues such as gun rights.


“I really don’t like the lady from NY implying that we are bigots because we don’t agree with her view”, the Virginia delegate returned.

Politics|Donald Trump Keeps Distance in GOP Platform Fight on Gay Rights