
Pro-life groups gather for Women Betrayed Rally in Birmingham

The Observer notes the mayor has been critical of GOP presidential candidates, but a statement from his office aimed at one individual hopeful is unusual.


“Planned Parenthood is the most trusted women’s healthcare provider in this country, and anti-abortion extremists are willing to do anything to stop women from accessing the reproductive healthcare they are seeking”, said executive VP at Planned Parenthood America, Dawn Laguens.

She also called it “unfortunate” that the taxpayer-funded organization has endured such “concerted attacks” for its abortion practices.

Organizers of the rally say the event was specifically held in response to a video posted online which discusses the sale of body parts of aborted fetuses.

“U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is planning a vote in coming days on Republican legislation halting federal funding for Planned Parenthood, following the release of secretly recorded videos about its role in supplying aborted fetal tissue for medical research”.

Jindal ordered state health chief Kathy Kliebert to conduct an immediate investigation of operations at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. “And they get paid from it. They do get some kind of benefit”. The poll found that 64% of Americans still want federal funding to go toward Planned Parenthood.

There are now five Planned Parenthood abortion facilities operating in Texas.

The US Senate wil debate restricting funds to Planned Parenthood following the release of a third video which suggests that the organisation profits from the sale of foetal parts.

Oklahoma’s senior Republican Senator said he’s concerned about violations of federal law, including changing or delaying abortion procedures for the explicit objective of harvesting fetal tissue and selling it for a profit. “I don’t know why they can’t let me have my say when they’ve had theirs”, said Liebling.


Richards said on ABC’s “This Week” that’s its laudable that women choose to make the fetal tissue donations. Planned Parenthood officials say it has done nothing illegal or improper, saying the organization that collect fetal tissue to be donated for medical research with a patient’s consent.

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