
Professor In Protest Video Charged With Assault

University of Missouri professor Melissa Click was charged with third degree assault Monday for calling for mob violence to remove a journalist during the November Missouri protests, ABC 17 KQFX reports.


Click called for “some muscle” to help remove the videographer, Mark Schierbecker, from the protest area on the Columbia campus. Even though the protest eventually led to the resignation of university president Tim Wolfe, it also sparked outrage and shock when a video of the protest went viral – and for all the wrong reasons.

Richey says he’ll announce his decision within the next week. Click will be summonsed to court on a date to be announced for her arraignment.

In a statement Monday, Schierbecker said, “Although my video might seem to pin free speech issues on an individual, Melissa Click’s actions reflect a broader problem that students and journalists are facing on college campuses”.

The university had repeatedly declined to comment on Click’s actions following the November incident.

Click resigned her courtesy appointment in the Mizzou journalism school immediately following the protest.

“Today Dr. Click has been charged with assault, and not just assault, but assault on a student reporter”, University of Missouri interim chancellor Hank Foley said at a news conference, per the Post-Dispatch. The assistant communications professor faces up to 15 days in jail and a fine up to $300 if convicted.

“As a professional representing our university, Click failed to meet the obligation she has to her supervisors, fellow professors, university students, and the taxpayers of Missouri”, according to the group.

At least twice she is seen grabbing at the camera lens or pushing it away with an open palm.


Earlier this year, over 100 lawmakers sent a letter to the Board of Curators demanding Click be removed from her position. “Can I talk to you?” Foley later called Click “a model citizen in other ways”, citing the Class C misdemeanor as her first and only offense.

YouTube  Mark Schierbecker