
Project Fi: Google offering instant access to celebrate Nexus 5X launch

Basically it’s a hybrid MVNO. Project Fi is different from other prepaid services in that you really only pay for exactly what you use, though. Many MVNO’s out there use just one service provider, with a good number of them being AT&T or T-Mobile due to the GSM compatibility there. You can actually buy a Nexus 5X or Nexus 6P with monthly payments through Project Fi, making Google’s affordable phones even easier on your wallet. Both the Nexus 5X and the Nexus 6P work with Project Fi. Google typically announces things around 1-2pm EST, so we should find out pretty soon if this is indeed happening today.


Those who are interested to try out Project Fi and would like to instantly receive an invite can go here to request one, keep in mind that this offer only stands for today, don’t waste any time in requesting an invite otherwise you’ll have to wait for one later on.

Of course, you’ll still need to live in an area where Project Fi is available in order to get an invite. So if you sign-up for service and add 2GB of data to your month, you would pay $20 for talk/text and then $20 for the 2GB data.


Project Fi, meanwhile, starts at $20 per month for voice and text, and charges $10 per gigabyte after that. Many of us don’t use the same amount of data each and every month, so that’s a great feature to have.

Nexus 6P-front