
Project Scorpio is 4.5x more powerful than Xbox One, says Spencer

“When that same game’s running on Scorpio, because of the compute capability, it’s effectively is going to run at its max resolution the whole time”.


After last referencing mouse/keyboard support back in July 2015 in a tweet, Xbox chief Phil Spencer is once again talking up the feature.

Add to this the fact that every first-party Microsoft game revealed at E3, including Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, and Scalebound, will be released on PC as well as Xbox One.

Pushed on the “when”, Spencer admitted that, even though there’s no public mouse or keyboard support right now, “keyboard now works in devkit modes [but] mouse support is a little further away”.

Also in the Eurogamer interview Spencer was asked why consumers should get the get Xbox One S over the Scorpio. “For games that want to take advantage of HDR, we gave developers access to a small amount of additional processing power”.

The Xbox One S also comes with tweaked wireless controller that has a textured grip and better Bluetooth wireless technology for increased range.

Furthermore, without a 4K display, Spencer says the new system “won’t do anything for you”. “Scorpio is designed as a 4K console, and if you don’t have a 4K TV, the benefit we’ve designed for, you’re not going to see”. However, one thing that looks nearly certain is that the next installment of the franchise, Halo 6, will be available on Windows 10.


Just like a used auto dealer’s end of year clearance, Microsoft is slashing prices left and right on the current 500GB bundles of the Xbox One.

Slim pickings... The Xbox One S