
Prosecutor claims win in race that could net Cosby charges

Will the onslaught of allegations against Bill Cosby have any legal consequences?


Castor’s office had interviewed a few women who came out early to support Constand and to say that Cosby had assaulted them.

This 2015 combination of file photos shows, Montgomery…

At the center of the political battle is an alleged victim: Andrea Constand.

His opponent is Democrat Kevin Steele, a deputy prosecutor involved in the re-opened investigation. Since leaving the DA’s office in 2008 he’s served as county commissioner. And he’s using Cosby as part of his platform, promising voters that, should he be elected, he will attempt to bring perjury charges against Cosby.

“What I would do is I would get those depositions”.

Castor is a Republican with good name recognition in Montgomery County.

“What they’ve done in the last, I’m not talking about Cosby”. The race for county prosecutor outside Philadelphia will likely influence whether Bill Cosby continues to be the subject of an investigation in an alleged 2004 sexual assault.

Castor has said that Constand described a more serious sex crime in the lawsuit than she had given to police. Yes”, Castor said. “Did I think that I could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt based on available, credible and admissible evidence?

Now Castor is running for DA again and says if voters pick him on Tuesday, he would try to bring perjury charges against the comedian. At the time, Castor announced he would not charge Cosby, saying both parties could be portrayed in “a less than flattering light”.

Castor and Steele invoked the Cosby case in ads. “But Castor didn’t even try”. And Castor echoed that in his own television ad saying Steele, “chose to do nothing at all”.

Kane, a 49-year-old Democrat in her first term, is accused of releasing secret information from a 2009 grand jury to the press to get back at a former state prosecutor who she believed released information to the media about a sting operation she shut down. “Kevin Steele had the power to help victims of Cosby, but he sat on his hands”.


NORRISTOWN Riding the wave of a Democratic sweep of county government, the second in command of the district attorney’s office handily defeated a former district attorney, who was hoping for a comeback, to take control of the office, according to unofficial election results. In a similar election in 2011, only a nothing-to-write-home-about 32.3 percent of registered county voters actually cast ballots.

Left Kevin Steele. Right Bruce L. Castor Jr. View and purchase