
Prosecutor won’t address attorney general claims

Ferman said prosecutors have already disclosed evidence and will present more in court. For only a grand jury protective order stands in the way of my releasing their names and their emails to the public.


Kane was charged last week with perjury, obstructing the administration of law, official oppression, conspiracy and false swearing.

Prosecutors have also accused Kane of instructing some of her staff to monitor employee emails as the grand jury was wrapping up its investigation of her in late 2014.

“My defense will not be that I am the victim of some old boys’ network. Period”, she said, then went on at length to repeat some of the same allegations.

“I am innocent of any wrongdoing”, she began. “If this is her defense, she should plead guilty”.

Kane claims she is being attacked by those trying to cover up the email scandal discovered by her office on state government servers.

Some defense attorneys with no role in the case say they think her best option may be to take an unpaid leave until the charges are resolved. “I neither conspired with anyone nor did I ask or direct anyone to do anything improper or unlawful”, she said. She addressed the charges connected to her alleged leak of secret grand jury materials.

Kane allegedly was convinced that one of the sources of the unflattering story was Frank Fina, the prosecutor in charge of the bribery probe, which was started under Kane’s predecessor. If the order is granted, she told journalists, she will hold another press conference – and this time answer questions.

But it’s wasn’t just the men in the bright lights who exchanged the explicit messages: Kane in November let it be known that8 percent of her agency’s employees have been disciplined for participating in the email swap. She also reprimanded numerous people from her office.

“… their ultimate goal (is) the burial of this email chain and their involvement in it forever”. That story centers around a personal conflict between me and a former prosecutor in the Attorney General’s Office.

“Today I’m calling for the whole story to come out”, Kane said. Carpenter’s spokeswoman said the judge had not yet read Kane’s statement and wouldn’t comment until he did.

She said if she’s removed from office it means “the politicians” choose the next attorney general, “and in essence take away the 3.125 million voters who wanted an independent A.G”. While Kane refuses to resign her post, a number of politicians are waiting in the wings to take her place.

Prosecutors say Reese has refused to cooperate with them.

“Only the Lord knows how this will turn out”.


According to Kane, the e-mails circulated when former Attorney General Tom Corbett’s office investigated the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.

AG Kane won't take questions at press conference, spokesman says