
Protest costs rise to $1.5M in St. Paul

Around 10:30 a.m., one protestor allegedly moved a “No Parking” sign, and when police tried to arrest the perpetrator, the protestors linked arms. Those who didn’t comply or who re-entered Summit Avenue would be placed under arrest.


Protesters were ordered Tuesday to clear the street and sidewalk in front of the governor’s residence, where they have been since the fatal police shooting of Philando Castile almost three weeks ago in neighboring Falcon Heights. Protesters shifted their demonstration there after police closed the street.

KARE 11 has a crew on the scene and will update this story as more information becomes available.

During the day Tuesday, 26 people and a child were arrested.

Sgt. Michael Ernster said some were cited and released, while others who may have had outstanding warrants or obstructed arrests were taken to jail. Tweets from early Wednesday morning show just few people were there, and things were described as “quiet.”

As of 8 a.m. Wednesday morning, no protestors were in the areas surrounding the governor’s mansion.

Officers began their action about 7:15 a.m., when protesters were found “sleeping in the street on blankets”, said department spokesman Steve Linders.

Unicorn Riot, an independent news agency, estimated 50-plus police officers were in a standoff with more than 100 protesters late Tuesday night prior to the arrests.

Minneapolis NAACP President Nekima Levy-Pounds said she would not tell people to stop the protest.


Ladda said the protesters’ plan is to “stay as long as we have to stay here for that police officer to be held [accountable] in a court of law for homicide”. “We don’t need to be treated like animals and criminals when we’re simply out here demanding justice for someone who didn’t deserve to be killed”. Dayton has suggested that race played a role in Castile’s death.

Protesters Block Street In Front Of Governor's Mansion