
Protesters clash with police in St. Paul over death of Philando Castile

The service included a memorial…


After almost of week of protests, Baton Rouge police are taking criticism for their methods of dealing with demonstrators.

“They are telling us know to be violent, but they are being violent against us”, Carter said of police. The crowd was estimated at more than 1,000.

No arrests were reported in Memphis. Fifteen police officers and six troopers were hurt; all are expected to recover.

Earlier Sunday, about 2,000 people rallied outside the Capitol building, state police Maj.

“They didn’t have any problems out there. They seemed to be very organized and peaceful”, Cain said.

But as night began to fall, a few hundred people aimed for an on-ramp. Video shows police in riot gear moving in on a group of protesters who had taken refuge on the lawn of a residential home.

Whether the people responsible for acts of violence targeted at police will face justice remains to be seen.

Sterling’s funeral will be held Friday in Baton Rouge.

Demonstrators blocked the freeway, and threw bottles, bricks and fireworks at police, authorities said. “They were ignored”, said Baton Rouge Police Sgt. Don Coppola.

Protests have broken out nationwide following the deaths of 32-year-old Castile and 37-year-old Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La. “There’s a lot of work to be done, with this Police Department specifically”.

Booking documents provided by the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office say Mckesson was arrested on a charge of obstructing a highway. Police said protesters also were throwing objects and liquids at officers from highway overpasses. Most of the others happened early Sunday in another part of St. Paul.

Obama said in Madrid after meeting with Spain’s acting prime minister that one of the great things about America is that individuals and groups can protest and speak truth to power.

The Minnesota Police Bill of Rights also extends special protections to police during misconduct investigations, including by allowing them to record and review any formal statements they give to investigators-a measure that critics say would help officers “keep their story straight”. I don’t think it would have. “It’s burning pretty bad”.

And in Columbia, S.C., several hundred people blocked a downtown intersection in protest of the reappearance of the Confederate battle flag outside the South Carolina Statehouse. The interstate reopened early Sunday morning.

Valerie Castile, mother of Philando Castile, one of two African American men killed by police last week in separate shootings, sent a statement to media via her attorney Sunday.

The precise reasons why certain motorists are pulled over more than others are hard to identify, said Lorie Fridell, an associate professor of criminology at the University of South Florida, who trains police departments through a program called Fair and Impartial Policing.

The protests erupted initially after videos surfaced showing Sterling and Castille’s fatal police encounters. “Not to agitate us and pick and grab people”, she said. Both men were shot and killed by police this week.

“When you look at the shoot-and-move tactics, the abilities he had because of the structure of the building, the journal buttresses the theory that the man acted alone”, Jenkins said.

“They wanted to have a conversation with us and that’s what we’re out here to do – have a conversation”, Turner told reporters.

When Johnson was barricaded in the parking garage, he told police he acted alone, Jenkins said.

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating.

“We have always said we will draw the line between inconvenience and endangerment”, Coleman said.

After a 24-year-old black man, Jamar Clark, was fatally shot in November in a confrontation with two white officers in Minneapolis, police sometimes clashed with protesters camped outside a police station. “You f****** move and I swear to God” before a shot rings out, quickly followed by another two.


Information for this article was contributed by Katie Leslie of The Dallas Morning News; by Michael Kunzelman, Rebecca Santana, Janet McConnaughey, Sadie Gurman and Skip Foreman of The Associated Press; and by Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post.

Protesters Block Freeway, Hurl Rocks At Police In Minnesota