
Protesters gather in Providence after police shootings

“Sometimes people just focus on the now”. But even she called Brown a “good commander”, and she said she has seen real improvement. “It tells me that we matter to people across the city of Memphis, our struggle matters”, said Lauren Williams-Batiste.


The protests came after a sniper killed five police officers during a demonstration in Dallas on Thursday.

As demonstrators amassed in Dallas on Thursday to mark what had transpired in the two preceding days, five police officers there to help keep the peace were shot and killed and seven other officers and two civilians were wounded.

“This is a tragedy – both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy”, it said. “There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans”. This can’t be easy in the United States, a nation of guns. Before he was killed using an explosive device carried by a robot, Johnson allegedly told police that he had meant to kill white people, especially white officers. In Chicago, it was, “When I say ‘oink, oink, ‘ you say ‘bang, bang'”.

“America is weeping”, said Rep. G.K. Butterfield, head of the Congressional Black Caucus, reflecting an entire nation’s mounting anger, tension and despair.

But the public also needs to understand that officers “have the right to expect to be able to go home safely”, as do the people who interact with them, he said.

Giuliani agreed with O’Reilly that Black Lives Matter isn’t helping to eradicate racism, saying that black lives matter, but so do all lives. He added that he was slow to comment on the police-related killings of black men this week in Lousiana and Minnesota because “emotions were white hot”.

After two hours of fruitless negotiations with the gunman, Mr Brown asked senior officers to “use their imaginations” to devise a strategy to disable the shooter, later identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, a former US Army Reserve soldier who authorities said embraced black nationalism.

But she wasn’t going to deny herself or the problems she sees. He then continued to rant about how Obama and “Black Lives Matter” protesters are responsible for the deaths of the officers.

As Dalia and the rest of the crowd made their way from the garage, she realized that they might not be safe out there either and chose to take cover in a Greyhound station.

The Rev. Chineta Goodjoin, of New Hope Presbyterian Church in Orange, knows too well the pain this violence delivers: Just over a year ago, her best friend was one of nine victims in the Charleston, S.C., church massacre. “And for that objective alone, I think the leadership of this country needs to look a little bit harder at that particular group”. “As a result, today we are seeing one of the noblest professions condemned by those who could benefit the most”. In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where Mr Sterling was shot dead by police, nationally prominent Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson was among 125 people arrested during a peaceful march.

“He also said he was upset with Black Lives Matter”, Goodjoin said. The nation seems more divided than ever. “What was in his heart and mind, I don’t know and I really don’t care”.

In Rochester, New York, 74 people were arrested after officers told the protesters they were blocking the streets, according to the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle.

Singleton said the protest remained protest, until later in the evening she noticed a man standing next to her wearing a gas mask, she also noticed a woman swinging a bat. Some were in riot gear and others on rooftops.

“I don’t want my son to grow up and be a statistic”, said Rocky Rose, a New Haven resident who attended the rally on Thursday.

“It’s incredibly important to listen through this whole thing”, he said.

Police used force on protesters and got their way that night. Out of these 40 to 50 million are African Americans. It’s time for change and time to mourn the ones we’ve lost.


“He was defining the standards of the department: no, we’re not going to tolerate this”, said Samuel Walker, a nationally recognized policing expert. With so much fire power available, all hell will break loose if white and black vigilantes go after each other. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that while he isn’t aware of any direct threats against the New York City Police Department, there is a large police presence planned for additional protests in the city.

Opinion: When will it end? Why the 'Black Lives Matter' movement matters