
Protesters Say GOP Candidates At Debate In Boulder Are Ignoring Key Issues

The top 10 polling Republican presidential candidates squared-off for the third time Wednesday evening during a CNBC hosted debate at the University of Colorado’s Coors Events Center.


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And as he did through much of the debate, Rubio led the attack, joined by Trump and Ted Cruz. His “nice guy at the bar” analogy proved to be creepiest of the entire debate.

“His only hope of staying competitive is to entertain voters with his provocateur-in-chief routine right up until Election Day”, said Josh Holmes, a former adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“What we had is something the government made – basically a bag of gas – that cut loose, destroyed everything in its path, left thousands of people powerless, but they couldn’t get rid of it, because we had too much money invested in it. So, we had to keep it”, he added. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Sen. “Marco, when you signed up for this, this is a six-year term, and you should be showing up for work … or just resign and let somebody else take the job”, Bush said.

A Bush-supporting super PAC, “Right to Rise”, had set up a Twitter account earlier Wednesday, @IsMarcoWorking, mocking Rubio’s absence in Washington.

“The only reason you’re doing it now is because we’re running for the same position”, Rubio continued.

Rubio pointed out that other Senators – using Democrats Barack Obama and John Kerry as recent examples – maintained similar schedules without similar media criticism.

“This is a fundamental choice: We musn’t become a cheaper version of the Democratic party; a second liberal party”, Jindal said. “This is not a cage match”. Bush’s decision to go after Rubio for his work ethic in the Senate shows that he believes Rubio is blocking his lane.

“This debate is not candidate versus candidate, it is a highlight reel of the stupidity of biased media”, said Jeremy Noll, a Kent State University student from Amherst. Polls consistently have shown Christie trailing many of his Republican rivals since he declared his candidacy in June, but the governor has registered enough support to qualify for all three debates this year. But he liked how Ben Carson explained that his belief that marriage should be limited to heterosexuals does not make him a homophobe.

He was asked only a few questions by the moderators from CNBC and interjected himself into other questions far less than in the first debate, when he seemed in command of the debate stage. “The government has been lying to you and they have stolen from you”, Christie said.

Rubio sharply dismissed Bush’s critique as a political ploy by a struggling candidate.

“He wants to govern”, the donor said of Bush. That shock to the conservative system was so profound that the Republican party’s immune system, which already was being compromised by the prion disease it picked up when it first ate all the monkey brains at the end of the 1970s, broke down entirely, and disease caused it to construct within the party’s mind an entire geography of illusion and dark, nameless terrors.


“We have 19 trillion dollars in debt, we have people out of work, we have ISIS and al Qaeda attacking us, and we’re talking about fantasy football?” “I don’t know where you get this information”.

House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick