
Protestors want Planned Parenthood defunded over fetal tissue flap

Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million a year in federal funds, which it uses for contraception services, sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment, and other non-abortion services.


The latest legislation comes after a third video surfaced Tuesday, which appeared to show a Planned Parenthood official in Colorado negotiating with someone posing as a buyer of fetal tissue.

“That’s why California Attorney General Kamala Harris has indicated she will investigate the groups that conducted the unauthorized videotaping of Planned Parenthood doctors in violation of state law”.

“I just want people to wake up and realize that Planned Parenthood is not an organization that helps women”, said Republican Molly White, District 55 Representative. Conservatives and abortion foes have slammed the organization over the clips, and Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, has apologized for the tone used in the videos.

Planned Parenthood is commencing their own investigation; looking into the Center for Medical Progress, the group that made the hidden-camera video.

On Tuesday, members of the group Women Betrayed rallied in cities across the country, including in Orlando. But the revelation of fetal tissue donation has been met with outrage.

When asked whether he believes the bill will pass despite widespread Democratic opposition, Paul said, “I think there are a few Democrats, who have said they’re pro-life, who are going to be put on the spot”.

“This was an orchestrated opportunity for anti-abortion folks, including those in Congress, to make a statement accusing Planned Parenthood of illegal activity which is simply not true”, said Zdravecky.

Planned parenthood is in the national spotlight because their executives were caught on tape discussing the sale of aborted fetuses. “But we stand by our sister affiliates in other states that do have these programs”. She also added that anyone is welcome to examine the organization’s policies and procedures.


Earlier Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a presidential hopeful, said in an interview that thanks to his “persistence”, Senate GOP leaders had committed to a pre-recess vote on blocking Planned Parenthood’s federal money.

Rep. Andre Jacque