
‘Proud Catholic’ Republican congressman explains boycott of pope’s address

“In Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment … he condemned anyone skeptical of the link between human activity and climate change and adopted the false science being propagated by the Left”.


Vatican city: A refugee family from Damascus has swapped the hell of Syria’s brutal civil war for the comfort and safety of a flat in the Vatican as guests of Pope Francis.

The pope will deliver an address to a joint session of Congress on Thursday.

Pope Francis concluded his message by noting how he will visit the Cuban Shrine of the Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, and said that he is going “as a pilgrim, but even more, as a son who wants to arrive to the house of his Mother”.

But Pope Francis’s efforts have already led to progress.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the pope’s nine-day visit to Cuba and the United States, one that will be filled with both religious services and diplomatic meetings. Next week, the Argentina-born Pope will be making an historic visit to New York, Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. But they also acknowledged that the pope speaks his mind and could well say things that don’t jibe with Obama administration policies.

For a more in-depth itinerary of his US trip, visit the Pope Francis Visit 2015 to see the official schedule. On Friday, he will address the United Nations General Assembly followed by an interfaith service that he will host at the the National September 11th Memorial & Museum.

“I’m told by people around His Holiness that he’s very open to be told that (he’s made) a mistake, that he must adjust his thinking”, he said. “I think that’s what we’ve been struck by with the pope”.

“The pope does seem to be enamored with solutions that are not pro-American in the slightest”, said Dom Giordano, a WPHT (1210 AM) talkshow host. “The Pope has consistently called for the minority group’s protection, and yesterday met with the Yazidi spiritual leader, Sheikh Kato, their secular leader, Tahsin Said Ali Beg, in addition to several other representatives at the Vatican”.


The “gift” section features jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces along with keychains, license plate frames, prayer cards, faux leather journal covers, pins, rosary pouches, charms, ties, scarves, and a Pope Francis 10-inch cardboard table top standee. I expect Francis to be just that kind of prophetic witness on his trip here and I look forward to hearing what he has to say.

Pope Francis' visit to bring 'AMOR' to City of Brother Love