
Proud to be an American: Veterans Day

On Thursday, November 10, Aaron Parker Elementary will honor veterans at an annual Veterans Day program beginning at 10 the gym.


Today and every day, I am humbled to join folks across the country as we show appreciation for those who have served our nation. “I appreciate all the men and women who have served my country and I am most proud to have served alongside many awesome people – I am personally very lucky”. They do it for love of country.

In our private and public remembrances, we can not ever forget the veterans who served our nation, in particular those that made the ultimate sacrifice. The poppies grow there between the crosses that mark their graves. Veterans groups rightly opposed the move; they feared a three-day weekend like any other would diminish its significance.

“A resolution from the Missouri State Senate thanking you for your services and all you have done to serve our nation”.

It has been observed each year since and the most powerful tradition is that the sitting president goes to Arlington National Cemetery to put a wreath at the tomb of the Unknowns. A textualist approach to the oath (sorry, can’t help myself) would see in that sequence that the first priority of the American military is the preservation of our constitutional order.

The more you know! The list of those who have died while serving from the Revolutionary War to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is a long one. They are our parents and children, our neighbors and our friends.

We must also remember that this special day originally celebrated a moment when fighting stopped. Keep in mind to thank all our veterans and say a prayer for them and our country this week.


On this and every day, Happy Veterans Day. It is impossible for us to properly express our profound respect and appreciation for all our fearless men and women who have worn our nation’s uniform. We are still caught up in wars over territory, oil, ideology, religion and the very definition of what it means to be free. We also celebrate Your resurrection.

SCI and Dignity Memorial® Honor U.S. Armed Forces This Veterans Day