
PS4’s PlayStation VR Was In Development Before Oculus Rift’s Kickstarter

Taking House’s statement at face value, we should expect PlayStation VR to cost £350 – possibly more if you also need PlayStation Move controllers and a PlayStation Camera bundled in.


To achieve the full virtual reality experience, Oculus Rift users will need to have a full setup that will include a high performance PC with an excellent graphics card. “I was trying to count the number of booths that at least had a VR headset, and there were too many”.

“I think the focus on Eve: Valkyrie shows that Oculus is well aware that the buyer at this price point is going to be in the niche core PC gamer segment”, Arrington added. However, it’s not yet clear if these titles will debut this year.

Priced at over £500, this means the PlayStation VR headset, which allows gamers to experience immersive 360 degree versions of their favourite PS4 games, is considerably more than rival Oculus Rift.

It turns out Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE:SNE)’s PlayStation VR could outsell Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s Oculus Rift by a wide margin in the first round. However, a report from the analysts at SuperData Research suggests that PlayStation VR now looks set for success.

“The launch price is generally high”. The whole system that supports streaming through PlayStation VR costs roughly $850, which is almost half of what you require on the side of Oculus Rift.

In an interview with BBC, Hirai confirmed that there is a huge amount of VR content coming.

The same engineer, Dennis Castleman, also revealed that that the hardware itself is finished.


The main body of PlayStation VR is a black curved visor, with white, LED-illuminated edging, held on by a strap that goes all the way round the head. Oculus was the first of the big three VR companies – the other being HTC’s Vive, to announce its cost.

Oculus Rift vs Play Station VR