
Putin: Russia Doesn’t Want to Enter Arms Race

Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to “neutralize” Russia’s strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a “decisive military superiority”.


“It (import submission) represents high-tech development of individual sectors of our industry, which should have a positive impact on the civilian sectors as well”, Putin said.

Yet Mr Putin accused the United States of a “cover-up”, arguing that the U.S. continued to work on the defensive systems despite pledges from Iran to curb its military programme.

The announcement comes at a time when Russia’s relations with the US and its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies are strained over Ukraine crisis.

The nuclear torpedoes, to be fired by submarines, would create “zones of extensive radioactive contamination making them unsuitable for military or economic activity for a long period”, says the document, which is clearly visible in the footage for several seconds.

But Putin said that “regrettably, our concerns and cooperation proposals haven’t been taken into account”. Russia, unlike the United Sates, will avoid enormous expenses on defense projects as Moscow has less expensive and more efficient ways to ensure the country’s defense capability, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov is quoted by Sputnik worldwide as saying on Tuesday.


Putin said that while the Russian defense industries have succeeded in increasing output, a few production targets haven’t been met. He also emphasized the need to continue efforts to replace imported weapons components with locally-produced ones.

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