
Putin: Russia ready for decisive steps to resolve island dispute with Japan

Putin also blamed her for stoking protests in 2011.


Putin: “Does it even matter who hacked the data of Mrs. Clinton’s election campaign office?”

Putin: “I don’t know anything about it, and on a state level Russian Federation has never done this”.

In the wake of the release, Donald Trump praised Putin and encouraged the Russian government to try and hack into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. But Putin wondered by it mattered who was behind the hacks.

“Unsurprisingly, Putin has joined Trump in cheering foreign interference in the US election that is clearly created to inflict political damage on Hillary Clinton and Democrats”, Lehrich said.

In a two-hour conversation near Russia’s eastern fringe, Putin touched on subjects ranging from the war in Syria to oil prices and trade with China.

“At the state level, we certainly weren’t involved in this”, Putin said in an interview with the Bloomberg news service, according to a transcript released Friday by the Kremlin.

Though Putin is not taking blame, an interview probe of the DNC hack found that two groups connected to Russian federal security and the Defense Ministry were responsible for the hack.

James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., said Russia’s “track record” of state hacking goes back at least a decade, so Putin’s denials aren’t credible.

Lehrich said the campaign still believes it was Russian Federation which hacked the Democratic National Committee’s e-mail in an embarassing episode just before the party’s nominating convention in July.

Then hackers “island hopped” to other computer networks after staffers at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and perhaps elsewhere opened phishing emails from which their user IDs, passwords and other credentials were stolen.

Despite the obstacles, the U.S.

“I wouldn’t like for us to follow their example”, he said. Come as sources told CNN last month the u-s intelligence community is convinced Russian Federation was behind the hack.

The Clinton campaign accused Putin of trying to influence that USA election.

“One of the key problems is that we insist, and our American partners do not object to this, that the so-called healthy part of the opposition should be separated from the radical groups and terrorist organizations such as Jabhat Al-Nusra”, he said.

“The people of Crimea have made their choice, they have voted [in a referendum]”, he said. “Because one of them would seem to be a lot more favorable toward you”.


Abe’s remarks come after he and Putin discussed the issue the previous evening. “At any rate, we definitely don’t do this at a state level”.

SEPT. 1 2016 POOL