
Putin says will not ‘abandon’ Russians in Ukraine to nationalists

Days after pushing back on allegations in that Russian President Vladmir Putin has killed journalists, Donald Trump assured a rally right here in that despite his hatred of the press, he would “never kill them”. Try to prove it, the Republican presidential hopeful said, reminding the media of the presumption of innocence. “He’s making mincemeat out of our president”, Trump said Sunday.


French authorities thwart terror attack targeting police, military
They wanted to hastily skip important steps in order to control Libya and prevent these things from leaking and reaching them. Two men have reportedly been arrested over a foiled terror attack in the French city of Orleans .

But when he was asked about allegations that Putin had stifled and even killed members of the press, here’s what he said. Politkovskaya, a prominent investigative journalist and human rights activist, was killed on October 7, 2006. You know, Putin gave rise to the saying that Russian Federation is getting up off its knees, and now Trump is going to, you know ‘make America great again.’ They’re basically appealing to the same kinds of people. “I don’t think anybody knows that, it’s possible that he does, but I don’t think it’s been proven”. “They say, ‘He killed reporters.’ I said, ‘Really?” It has not been proven that hes killed reporters.”On Thursday, Putin praised Trump during a wide-ranging news conference, calling him “talented without doubt” and “brilliant.” Trump has embraced the remarks, drawing fire from critics such as Sen. “You’re just saying, he killed reporters”.

France makes big waves in the modelling industry with new health law
For those who have any doubt that this can be deadly, consider the case of Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston . Fashion models should be benched if they are dangerously thin, and US regulators should make sure this happens.

“We just had a poll today where I’m leading in Iowa”, he said. “He’s never – it’s never been proven that he’s killed anybody”.

Ex-POW held by Taliban ‘wanted to be Jason Bourne’
Here are four other interesting tidbits from the first episode, titled ” DUSTWUN ” – or “duty status – whereabouts unknown”. Wednesday, House Republicans released a report claiming that the Obama administration misled Congress about the trade.

Trump responded to the Russian leader’s compliment saying, “It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond”.

“Well, also it’s a person who kills journalists, political opponents and invades countries”, Scarborough said.

“When various operations started…in Afghanistan or Iraq, Libya, I always took the position that we must act carefully”. Tensions significantly escalated after the new government in Kiev launched military operations against the Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Lugansk the following month.

Putin said. “Instead, they continued to act and think in the old ways, using Cold War clichés”. Putin’s words fueled attacks by Trump’s rivals for the Republican nomination.

“‘He is a very outstanding man, unquestionably talented”. How can we not welcome that?

A Morning Joe interview with The Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel was completely derailed Monday morning after she refused to say whether or not she believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not murdering journalists and dissidents.


Trump took on Hillary Clinton after the Democratic front-runner had said on Saturday evening that he was “becoming ISIS’ best recruiter”.

Putin: Russian secret services foiled 30 planned attacks in 2015