
Putin: US knew the flight plan of the Russian jet

“With both countries still reeling from ISIS-claimed attacks that killed hundreds of their citizens, Hollande traveled to Russian Federation to ask President Vladimir Putin to focus his offensive against ISIS, and not other opposition groups to President Bashar al Assad”.


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance’s assessment of the incident was consistent with information provided by the country, which claimed that the Russian aircraft had briefly violated Turkish airspace.

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) – Turkey has released audio recordings of what it says are the Turkish military’s warnings to the pilot of the Russian plane that was shot down at the border with Syria.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, November 26.

Mr Putin wants an apology from Turkey before he will speak to Mr Erdogan, the Russian president’s aide said. He called Russian charges that Turkey was buying oil from the Islamic State group “slander”.

Speaking to his supporters in northeast Turkey, Erdogan said he “would like to meet [Putin] face to face in Paris”, during the upcoming climate meet.

But the French leader failed to gain any pledge from Putin over helping the US-led coalition which is targeting ISIL, according to AFP.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) listens to French President Francois Hollande as they leave their news conference in Moscow on Thursday.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was meeting with Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem earlier on Friday when he said Turkey “risks to face a complicated situation in the region”.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu took a more conciliatory tone in an opinion piece published Friday in Britain’s The Times newspaper.

The Russian leader said, under the cooperation already established with the US-led coalition, Russia’s military had passed on details of the flight plan of the jet that was shot down this week.

Davutoglu said fighting Islamic State is the top priority.


The downing of the plane on the Syrian border has raised fears it could fuel a wider geopolitical conflict, and highlighted the difficulty of forging consensus on Syria.

Hollande, on Moscow visit, calls for broad anti-IS coalition