
Q poll shows Florida voters back recreational marijuana, Dems lead in Senate

The poll by Quinnipiac University says Ohio voters support legalizing recrational marijuana by a 53-to-44 percent margin. That initiative would allow medical marijuana use by both adults and children. “If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, then the Red Planet might be the more spacey place”. Quinnipiac also discovered the younger demographic (18-34) of voters tend to have more support for legalization with 70 percent saying yes and 30 percent saying no. This is compared to the older demographic over 65-year-old where 64 percent oppose marijuana legalization.


The poll showed Floridians support the legalization of personal pot by a margin of 51 to 45 percent, but Pennsylvanians are locked in a statistical tie on the issue – 47 percent to 49 percent.

If the election were today, Democratic challenger Strickland would have 46 percent of Ohio voters’ support and Portman, the incumbent Republican, would have 43 percent. Women are divided, with 47 percent in favor and 49 percent opposed. Donald Trump leads the GOP candidates in the Sunshine State at 28 percent among polled Florida Republican voters, followed by Ben Carson (16 percent), Rubio (14 percent) and former Gov. Jeb Bush (12 percent).

There is no such uncertainty in the medical marijuana issue. Florida has seen efforts fail in the past. Voters support legalized medical marijuana use 90 – 9 percent.

In 2014, the Florida Right to Medical Marijuana Initiative failed to pass as a state constitutional amendment.

The poll comes in anticipation of a ballot measure, Issue 3, which would amend the Ohio constitution to create a new, legal marketplace for the use and sale of marijuana for medical and recreational use. Meanwhile, a group called United for Care is attempting the task for the second time. Voters over 65 are opposed 64 – 33 percent. United for Care, seemingly the better organized of the two efforts, has already collected a few 600,000 signatures, Politico reported. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) in the Buckeye State race for Senate, according to a swing state poll released by Quinnipiac University on Thursday.


Four states – Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Alaska – and Washington, D.C. have passed legislation to legalize recreational marijuana.

Majority of Ohioans Support Marijuana Legalization According to New Poll story image