
Qatar says denounces military coup attempt in Turkey

More than 1,500 military personnel were arrested across the country, said a senior official who was not authorized to speak to the media. A general who was part of the coup plot was reportedly killed during the night, Yildirim said.


Erdogan, who went into hiding when fighting broke out, has since made a television appearance saying that only a small “clique” within the armed forces was responsible for the coup and that “they will pay a heavy price for their treason to Turkey”. State-run Anadolu Agency is reporting 754 members of the armed forces have been detained across Turkey in the wake of the attempted coup.

At least 700 unarmed soldiers at the Turkish military headquarters have surrendered, the report said.

Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, the ruling Justice and Development Party’s Deputy Leader, said the government will introduce a bill calling for the execution of rebel soldiers.

During a phone call, both US President Barack Obama and Secretary of the US State Department John Kerry agreed that all parties in Turkey should support the democratically-elected Government of Turkey, show restraint, and avoid violence. “Most of them have been in military service, they know what a military government would mean”.

Turkey’s allies, fellow North Atlantic Treaty Organisation member nations and world leaders swiftly reacted Friday toan attempted coup Friday night.

Yildirim, speaking on NTV, said he ordered the “annihilitation” of military planes used by coup plotters.

Erdogen said the coup is now over and the government is now in control.

Just last month, the government accused ISIS of carrying out the deadly triple suicide bombing at Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport. Amid rising tensions between the Pakistani military and the democratically elected government, segments of the media are already citing the events in Turkey as a cautionary tale against thinking about attempting any such actions in Pakistan.

Describing what happened when the first jet flew past, she said: “My friend was on his bed and he was thrown to the floor and I was also on the floor”.

He added that the consequences of the coup attempt would be crucial for the whole region and for EU-Turkey relations. BBC, CNN and the Guardian said 42 people, mostly civilians were killed while Xinhua news agency have put the toll at 60. We are supposed to leave Trabzon on July 18.

Those sentiments were echoed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg who described Turkey as “a valued NATO ally”.

Celebratory gunfire erupted in Syria’s capital Damascus after the army claimed to have toppled Erdogan.

That policy, according to analysts, backfired when Turkey took on a more active role in the US -led coalition against the extremists, who have since been blamed for a series of deadly bombings on Turkish soil.

By Saturday morning, a top Turkish official said the coup attempt appeared to have been repelled. A coup against the democratically elected government could have made it hard for the United States to continue to cooperate with Turkey.


People watch a damaged vehicle which was crashed by a tank in Kizilay Square as they gather to protest against a military coup in Ankara, Turkey.

Getty Images              A Turkish solder is taken to police by civilians at Taksim square in Istanbul