
Quake hits near Victoria

The U.S. Geological Society, which listed the quake as a slightly higher 4.8 magnitude, recorded more than 11,000 reports of the quake being felt.


The quake, which was centered near Victoria, B.C., and also felt in Vancouver and Bellingham, Wash., struck at 11:39 p.m. PST.

The service said the quake registered as a 4.8-magnitude shaker, while Earthquakes Canada put it at 4.7-magnitude, striking at a depth of approximately 50 kilometres below the earth’s surface.

This story is developing. Sullivan said she could hear items falling out the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

There were no injuries or damage but power was for a time knocked out to some 4,500 homes in the region. Witnesses in Vancouver said they saw buildings shaking downtown and early reports are saying the quake was a magnitude of 4.9.

The quake came near the intersection of the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults, USGS seismologist Lucy Jones said. “These deep earthquakes tend to have very few or, most often, no aftershocks”, said Cassidy.

There is a 5 percent chance that the quake, or any quake, is a precursor of something bigger, Jones said.

The shaking was strong enough to wake up many people who were already asleep.

There have been five aftershocks following Tuesday’s natural disaster including a 3.0-magnitude Wednesday afternoon.

“Compared to these large earthquakes, last night was just a tiny drop in the bucket”, Cassidy said.


If an quake occurs, drop under a piece of furniture and take cover underneath it by protecting your neck and head with one of your arms.

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