
Quake Hits SF Bay Area

The U.S. Geological Survey reports a magnitude 3.3 natural disaster hit nine miles west of San Francisco on Sunday afternoon. The strength of that quake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale.


According to a dispatcher with the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, not only was no damage reported but no one had called to report the natural disaster. Twitter user and neighborhood resident Alejandro De La Cruz tweeted: “Living on a hill in the Outer Sunset, I sure felt the hell out of that natural disaster”.

The epicenter of the quake was located about one mile from Crownsville, Md.


That minor shaker came three days after a 4.0 magnitude quake struck near Fremont along the Hayward fault. “With an quake of this magnitude, we would not expect any damage”.

2.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Anne Arundel County near Crownsville