
Queens Jogger Murder Investigation Evolving, Up To 70 Tips Reported

“We know there is a family member of the killer that we need for them to come forward, to finalize this very quickly”, he said to reporters. The 30-year-old was reported missing August 2 after she failed to return home from her run and stopped responding to phone calls and text messages.


Speaking to reporters outside his Howard Beach home on Thursday, Phil Vetrano said he believes there are several strong leads in the case and it will only be a “matter of days” before the killer is caught.

The victim’s father, Phil Vetrano, says $100,000 of the money raised could be used as reward money for anyone with information on his daughter’s killer. Make that call. The [reward] money is there.

Watch the entire news conference here: Investigators have been searching for clues since Karina Vetrano’s body was found in the reeds in Spring Creek Park in Queens Aug. 2, just blocks from her home.

‘Her last moments were disgusting.

Surrender. In return, more than $250,000 in reward money will go to the murderer’s family. I know that anybody that’s listening can only imagine. She had been strangled and sexually assaulted.

Howard Beach residents have been on edge since the jogger’s death and are upset that they no longer feel safe in their neighborhood. The funds are meant to supplement the $20,000 reward money that the New York Police Department is offering to anyone who can help catch the killer, according to the page.

Phil Vetrano was unavailable when The Washington Post called his family’s NY residence Thursday. It could be their sister, someone they once knew. I ask you to imagine if that was their loved one.

“Prove me wrong in your last final act that you’re not a coward”, Cathy Vetrano said, echoing the sentiment from her first and highly emotional public appearance last week in which she spoke directly to the killer, calling them a “pathetic, puny, weak piece of filth”.


Police sources say she was set upon by a suspected vagrant, and the two got into a life-and-death struggle.

Karina Vetrano who was murdered at Howard Beach Queens on August 3