
Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight Prequel Is a Comic Strip

As one might expect, the comic is filled with Tarantino’s signature dialogue and NSFW language. “Everybody who reads comic books knows that the Kirby Silver Surfer is the only true Silver Surfer”. He also co-wrote Dynamite’s 2014 Django/Zorro crossover. And this time, Tarantino is handling the comic scripting himself, alongside artist Zach Meyer. A wide digital release is set to follow on January 8, 2016.


The page comes courtesy Playboy, which has posted a sneak peek preview on their website.

You can read the full The Hateful Eight comic book at this link.

The film features an ensemble cast that includes Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Bruce Dern, Michael Madsen, Walton Goggins and Tim Roth.

The Christmas Day release of The Hateful Eight is only the 70mm presentation of the film-its intended format.


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Quentin Tarantino Releases Hateful Eight Comic Book