
Quentin Tarantino says Chinese fans can watch his movies illegally

Jackson, Quentin Tarantino and Kurt Russell at the Australian Premiere of The Hateful Eight held at Event Cinemas in Sydney.


We are giving away couple tickets because we are cool like that.

Quentin Tarantino has gone on record to say he will only make ten feature films in his lifetime.

‘Me and Uma have talked about it – there is an idea there, ‘ he said. I never figure out what I’m going to do until I get on the other side of this whole thing’. If that is true, then this western bloodbath is movie no. 8.

He said: “I think I’ve done all the ones that I’ve had a burning desire to do”.

“And 20 years from now it’ll be one of the top four people are talking about”.

The film tells the story of eight strangers who seek refuge from a blizzard in a stagecoach stopover some time after the American Civil War.

The conservative group, which refers to itself as America’s Media Watchdog and carries the label “The Leader in Documenting, Exposing and Neutralizing Liberal Media Bias” (according to its own Web site), is preparing a detailed breakdown on the violence and offensive material found in Tarantino’s latest movie, The Hateful Eight.


Two of the film’s stars, Kurt Russell and Samuel L Jackson, also walked the red carpet ahead of the premiere. Here are five ways in which Reservoir Dogs and The Hateful Eight could be viewed as companion pieces. But unlike “Lawrence of Arabia” which was shot in several desert locations, the majority of “The Hateful Eight” takes place in a single indoor location.