
Race to Qualify for the GOP Debate Is On

Sadly for Perry, it’s likely that more media outlets reported on this than on the subject of his speech to the Yale Club on Wednesday – Wall Street reform, including re-instituting laws that require banks to separate their commercial lending and investment banking practices. He said Perry should “have to take an IQ test” to qualify for the GOP primary debates, and that the former governor started wearing glasses “so people will think he’s smart”. “That’s what prepping for this debate is like”.


Rick Perry is attacking Donald Trump’s credibility and branding the billionaire businessman “a cancer on conservatism”.

One of Perry’s GOP rivals, Donald Trump, added fuel to the war of words between him and Perry July 29.

In the interview, Perry framed his views on the economy as progressive, criticizing some of his opponents from the Democrat party for being too close-minded about new startups.

In his speech on Wednesday to a conservative financial group in New York, former Texas governor Rick Perry probably didn’t raise many eyebrows when he launched an assault on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Sen.

During the speech, Perry outlined some of his ideas for reforming Wall Street. He promised he would get at least 35 percent of the Hispanic vote, a holy grail for a Republican Party that has struggled to win over nonwhites.

“You know, rules are rules”, Perry said last month on MSNBC.

A grin slipped across his face as he made the pull-up comment. This past session, when the DREAM Act, once again, became a contentious issue, Perry told the Texas Tribune that the decision to repeal it or not was up to lawmakers, emphasizing that he believed the federal government needed to work on securing the border. His quip got a laugh from the audience.

Perry has emerged as one of the fiercest critics of Trump, who now leads polling in the Republican field, even calling for the real estate mogul to drop out of the race.

Of course, the race to score a debate spot isn’t over yet.


“Nobody on that debate stage is going to have the record of creating jobs that I have”, Perry said. If that happens, fingers crossed Fox News does what everyone wants and sets up a pull-up bar right on stage.

Rick Perry pushes populist Wall Street reform