
Race to WH in dead heat;Trump edges out Clinton in latest poll

The GOP nominee has the backing of 49 percent of SC voters, versus 42 percent for Hillary Clinton, according to a national poll conducted by SurveyMonkey and the Washington Post.


Clinton leads the national race over Trump by 3.3 points, according to a RealClearPolitics average of polls. Thirty-five percent of voters view Clinton as honest and trustworthy, compared to Trump’s 50 percent.

Clinton, meanwhile, is ahead in recent averages of polls of battleground states including OH and Pennsylvania.

Temperament is Mr. Trump’s Achilles’ heel; for Ms. Clinton, it is trustworthiness, according to the polls.

In a two-way race, Trump leads Clinton 49 to 48 per cent.

A statement from the campaign Tuesday said the introduction, entitled “Love and Kindness – And Action” details Clinton’s upbringing and the things “she learned from her mother’s hard childhood”.

She has also cut back her political events while she took vacation and attend a blizzard of fundraisers to help fuel her TV air campaign against Trump.

Whites with out a college degree support Trump by almost three to one, 68 to 24 per cent.

Trump now has the support of 45 per cent of the prospective general election voters against Clinton’s 43 per cent in the poll carried out by CNN/ORC.

It remains unclear how Johnson will factor into the race. Clinton powered through a coughing fit at a Labor Day festival at a Cleveland park, sharply criticizing Trump’s recent trip to Mexico as “an embarrassing global incident”. He needs to crack 15 per cent to participate in upcoming presidential debates, which Trump has said he’ll be participating in. He pulls support from younger, whiter voters. Trump told the Union reps that Clinton is a secret supporter of the trans-pacific partnership trade deal, which he says would be disastrous for manufacturing jobs in America. She is at 56 per cent, while he is at 54 per cent.

Even deep red MS, where Trump campaigned last month, shows a close race, with Trump holding just a two-point edge.

The Washington Post-SurveyMonkey poll released Tuesday shows Trump competitive in Upper Midwest states where Democrats usually win, while Clinton is making inroads in areas that have been deep red for decades.


Clinton held a rare news conference aboard her new campaign plane on Monday as both candidates competed for votes in swing state Ohio.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke Monday at the 49th annual Salute to Labor in Hampton Ill