
Rahul wishes Modi on his birthday

They were only moderately satisfied with economic conditions.


However the Prime Minister has asked party members not to put up posters of him. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh wrote, “Greetings to the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on his birthday today”.

Niranjan Naik a resident of Navrangpura, is unique among Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s friends in that the two men were born on same day in 1950 (September 17), in the same town (Vadnagar) and went to the same school.

The president also said: “I compliment you on your accomplishments and wish you the very best for the coming years. One learns so much from your wisdom & insight”. Modi will be on a day-long visit to his Lok Sabha constituency tomorrow during which he is likely to launch important schemes relating to power and road sectors, inaugurate a trauma centre inside Banaras Hindu University premises, and address a public meeting.

The Modi phenomenon transcends India’s traditionally partisan politics.

“We at the Mona Khan Company are thrilled and humbled to have the opportunity to perform in the presence of the esteemed Prime Minister of India. Only on Modi’s dealing with communal relations do less than half of Congress followers approve of his efforts.

Apparently being upset over the cancellation of regularisation of their service following a recent judgement of the Allahabad High Court, the ad hoc teachers had threatened to stage a protest in Varanasi if they were denied an appointment with Modi.

“Modi is more popular than presumptive Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi in both rural areas by 23 points (Mr Modi 89 per cent, Mr Gandi 66 per cent) and in cities by 31 points (Mr Modi 84 per cent, Mr Gandhi 53 per cent)”, Pew said. Indians express increasing concern about air pollution.

Furthermore, among seven global issues, Indians are most concerned about climate change.


The survey was conducted among 2,452 respondents in India from April 6 to May 19, 2015.

Weather to not jinx Modi’s Varanasi visit this time