
Rainbow Six Siege Skull Rain update will introduce cheat detection and interrogations

While the studio is striking down the ban hammer on cheaters with its left hand, the right had been furiously working on the expected Brazilian operator content pack.


Rainbow Six Siege might not have made a splash that Ubisoft was hoping for but Ubisoft didn’t give up on it.

August is nearly here, and that means it was due time for Ubisoft to reveal the next round of content for Rainbow Six Siege.

For those with the Season Pass, you’ll have seven days’ exclusivity to access two new characters, Caveira and Capitão, from Brazil’s Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE). Whereas defensive Caveira has a sneaky Silent Step ability for getting close to targets for interrogations and immobilisations. Rainbow Six Siege has enjoyed the addition of both Canadian and USA operators, making Operation Skull Rain the first official expansion hailing from another continent. Caveira is equipped with M12 or SPAS-15 as a primary weapon, PRB92 as secondary.

The second is an attacker called Capitão who has an M249 LMG and a Para-308 as primaries, also having a PRB92 as a secondary.

As for the new map, which is set in a Brazilian favela, it will be free to all players and supports exterior shell destruction, making it Siege’s most destructible map yet. With it she can sneak up on enemies, immobilize them, and then interrogate them for information on the enemy team’s location. Capitão’s special ability is a specialized crossbow that fires asphyxiating bolts that burn oxygen within a certain radius, as well as micro-smoke grenades that can hide the movements of teammates. “Additionally, there are no kill confirmations, and more realistic magazine management will be put into play”, Ubisoft elaborated.


The expansion also brings with it the inclusion of an angled grip attachment accessory, which will allow players to switch from hip firing to aimed sights in faster succession. Titled BattleEye, it’s described as a “client-side anti-cheating system that prevents players from loading the game when detecting cheats”.

Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Skull Rain goes to Brazil for two new operators