
Rand Paul: Dick Cheney ‘Wrong’ About nearly Every Foreign Policy Decision

Cheney additional criticized Mr. Obama’s dealing with of the Iran nuclear deal saying some agreements had “nothing to do with the nuclear aspect of the enterprise”. But he said the Senate would move ahead next week with a “serious” debate and that Congress’ bipartisan support would be needed to “strengthen our defenses in the Persian Gulf and to stand up to the inevitable Iranian violations of the agreement“.


The Iran deal is turning out to be the controversy we all expected, forcing some politicians to choose between their backgrounds and their home country, while others express unwavering support for Israel and resort to schoolyard insults against those who back the agreement. So far, no names have popped up.

In an interview with USA Today, he dismissed any claims that the invasion of Iraq and toppling of Saddam Hussein paved the way for turmoil in the region and the rise of the Islamic State.

The Republican politician served as Vice President under George W Bush for eight years, from 2001 to 2008, as the administration took a hardline stance on gay issues.

The Warren Report said President Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone, is the next thing I saw through.

Like it or not, there’s ample reason to believe such transparent nonsense actually matters. We have seen rising threats all over the world, ISIS within the Center East, [Russian President] Vladamir Putin on the march in Europe, the Chinese language within the South China Sea”, Cheney stated Wednesday on “The Steve Malzberg Present.

“They’ve got the money to pay for it and that’s going to be a big problem, and it’s going to happen right away”, he told MSNBC.

“Among the many risky deficiencies in his nuclear deal with Iran is the irreversible damage it will do to the worldwide nonproliferation regime contained in the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)”, the Cheneys wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed entitled “Restoring American Exceptionalism”. That policy remained in effect through Democratic and Republican presidents up until President Barack Obama, they said. The White House has reacted by fiercely defending the deal.

I do, I think that he certainly you know has this view that many Progressives and many liberals share which is that America has been a negative influence on the world. “So the notion that somehow those of us who oppose the agreement are pro-war is just fundamentally dishonest, fundamentally wrong”.


Any sane Muslim – any sane human being for that matter – would feel a great deal of anger towards Tony Blair and George W. Bush, and those other top officials who were in power during the Iraq War. Congress faces a September 17 deadline to pass a resolution of disapproval, which the president has vowed to veto.

Dick Cheney Talks The 9/11 Attacks on CBS SUNDAY MORNING Today