
Rand Paul: Rubio blocked my border security amendment

“We have to be very careful and very cautious extraordinarily cautious about who comes to visit, who immigrates here, and who studies here…Who in the hell is in charge of scrutinizing these people”, said Kentucky Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul.


Republican presidential rivals Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio exchanged blows over illegal immigration on Thursday in what could mark the start of a protracted battle between two candidates who have been on the rise. “On the immigration front, as I said, I’m puzzled and quite frankly surprised by Ted’s attacks since Ted’s position on immigration is not much different than mine”, Rubio told reporters after his own speech Friday.

When asked about this Friday, Cruz quipped, “I have to say, when I heard that I laughed out loud”.

Paul’s “trust but verify” amendment would have required Congress to vote on whether the border was sufficiently secure before allowing increased immigration.

The move could bring debate over immigration to the Senate floor just as it flares on the presidential campaign trail.

“New allegations detail appalling abuses of the H-1B visa programme – a programme meant to create American jobs and spur economic growth”.

The policy proposals are a shift for Cruz, who in 2013 supported doubling the caps on green cards and increasing the number of the visas for high tech workers fivefold.

“But we’re seeing report after report after report of companies, not bringing in high-skilled workers, but bringing in people with college degrees-sometimes from diploma mills-and bringing them in to lay off American workers and forcing the American workers to train the people they’re bringing in”.

Rubio, he said, “opposed every single one of them”. So, for example, the Democrats claimed they were supporting high-tech workers so I introduced an amendment on that-and every Democrat voted against it. It demonstrated that this was all a political endeavor for them and that what they were saying wasn’t true. “A Cruz administration will enforce existing protections for American workers and amend the H-1B visa programme to fulfil its original objective”, he said. He notes that what Cruz tried to do to kill the Gang of Eight legislation is similar to what Rubio tried to do to kill the Iran nuclear deal.


As for Rubio’s amnesty plan?

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