
Rasmussen Poll Puts Trump Over Clinton Nationally

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said, if elected, he will establish a deportation force to crack down on violent undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Following the cue of their former standard-bearer-who has disparaged Mr Trump loudly and often-only 76% of those who voted for Mr Romney say they will select Mr Trump at the ballot box.


During her speech to the American Legion, she also hit Trump for his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and how Trump agreed when Putin criticized American exceptionalism.

On Wednesday night, Trump again said Mexico would definitely be paying for the wall along the southern USA border, even though Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto told the Republican presidential nominee in a meeting earlier in the day not to count on his country.

The hope within Clinton’s inner circle is that their talk of putting the states in plan will force the Trump campaign to consume valuable time and money it could be devoting in more solidly swing states like Ohio, North Carolina and Florida.

According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, 8.8 percent of the respondents would vote for other candidates than Clinton and Trump, 7.5 percent refused to answer, while 4.9 percent would not vote. But Clinton is viewed as better prepared to be president and better able to handle foreign policy.

One day earlier, the Democratic nominee led by 2.71 percentage points over the Republican nominee.

“You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon”.

Clinton’s election in November would mean “geostrategic choices that will lead to world conflicts that threaten to be very heavy”, said Le Pen, who is herself vying for the French presidency next year.

In its own statement, the Trump campaign fired back at the notion that Mrs. Clinton is more qualified because of her experience.

However, Clinton’s image is as bad as that of Trump among registered voters, the poll found. “It truly is about who has the experience and temperament to serve as president and commander in chief”.


Renowned statistician Nate Silver’s “Polls-plus” forecast on FiveThirtyEight on Thursday showed Trump with a 30% chance of winning the election.

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