
Ratchet & Clank PlayStation Experience trailer reveals how our heroes met

The PlayStation 4 version of the game will include additional content, including new boss fights, not found in the original PlayStation 2 release.


Ted Price showed a new trailer for the game during the PlayStation Experience keynote, stating the game will be coming out close to the film. It is, however, a full blown remake – with new weapons, controls, combat systems and, above all else, visuals.

Hell, even the groovitron has been added into the mix, so that players can distract enemies with strobe lights and dance music.

Ratchet is shown in the movie’s intro moments before he meets his iconic robotic sidekick, Clank as he crash lands on the planet the Lombax is inhabiting.

Ratchet and Clank for PS4 is titled just that for a reason. At PSX over the weekend that release date was nailed down a little more, with Ratchet and Clank securing itself a spot on April 12th for launch. Everything from the fuzziness of Ratchet to the metallic shine of Clank all stand out as being incredibly polished.

A release date was also revealed.


It’s not necessarily an unusual situation for Insomniac, community and marketing lead James Stevenson told me during PlayStation Experience last weekend.

Ratchet and Clank PS4 release date