
Reader’s View: A piece of all of us died with Philando Castile

On Thursday, a week after Philando Castile was brutally murdered by police in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, his body was laid to rest.


In a July 13 statement, Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda said that the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis “was honored that Philando Castile’s mother, desiring that her son’s funeral be an opportunity for ‘people to come together in a new way, ‘ thought our cathedral could be a fitting setting for an ecumenical service at which our community could unite with her family to pray for peace and reconciliation”.

The city of St. Anthony Village has canceled its annual VillageFest Parade in light of the fatal shooting of 32-year-old Philando Castile, which has led to widespread protests.

Castile’s death is being investigated by the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and Yanez and another officer have been placed on paid administrative leave.

She has said that Castile notified police of his firearm and was reaching for his wallet to produce a permit for the weapon when St. Anthony officer Jeronimo Yanez shot him several times. The grisly aftermath of the shooting was live streamed by his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds, who from the passenger seat recorded the final moments of his life. His lawyer says Castile was shot because the officer was reacting to the presence of a gun in the vehicle and Castile did not follow instructions.

Family of Philando Castile arrive at Brooks Funeral Home in St. Paul Thursday morning.

Allysza Castile said she and her brother took a required gun safety class together a year ago.

Patricia Mergens, who was in attendance, said she worked for St. Paul Public schools as the nutrition coordinator before she retired.

Gov. Mark Dayton attended the service, as did U.S. Sens.

Roseville police Chief Rick Mathwig on Thursday disputed previous accounts that Philando Castile was not given first aid for 10 minutes or more after being shot.

Although the Castile family is Baptist, Castile’s mother, Valerie Castile, asked the cathedral to hold the service. Castile was killed by a St. Anthony police office.

Gary Hines of Sounds of Blackness addressed the reason for Philando Castile’s traffic stop.

Dan Wellman, owner of Total Defense in Ramsey, Minn., confirmed the Castiles came to class in May 2015.

A St. Louis man charged with seven felonies is accused in court records of pointing a gun at officers and telling them, “You all have been killing too many of us”. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, and U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison.


“I think that this is going to bring us closer together, because the police keep killing black people, and it’s bringing everybody closer”, said 16-year-old Tashina Thompson.

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