
Reason No. 1? Former speaker is not his friend

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf”, Representative Rep. Peter King (R-NY) expressed agreement former House Speaker John Boehner’s declaration that GOP presidential candidate Texas Senator Sen. “I have Democratic friends and Republican friends”, Boehner said about Cruz in an interview this week.


Former Speaker John Boehner is apparently best friends with Donald Trump, describing the two as “texting buddies”.

In response, Cruz told reporters at a press conference in IN that Boehner and Trump were friends, and with Boehner revealing his “inner Trump” it would make sense that Boehner would attack the Texas senator. He said he had played golf with the Manhattan billionaire, whom Boehner considers a “texting” buddy.

On Wednesday, former House Speaker John Boehner provided all the evidence you’ll ever need as to why the Cruz train has never left the station.

John Kasich, the Ohio Governor who is trailing in the Republican nomination race “requires more effort on my behalf than all my other friends”, Mr Boehner said. “You had no business calling Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh”-this is an embarrassment”.

“I’ve been pretty good at trying not to attack John Boehner on a personal basis, even though I thought he was the worst speaker of the House in history”.

The fiscal standoff turned Mr Boehner’s job into a nightmare and led to him labelling Mr Cruz a “false prophet” and a “jackass”. “I think Donald Trump has reduced the tone of this campaign for too many people”.

There is, of course, no love lost between the man who was once third in line for the presidency and Cruz, who’s widely credited as being responsible for the 16-day government shutdown in 2013.

Boehner also said he would vote for Trump, but not Cruz, in a general election.

Both Cruz and Carly Fiorina, who was campaigning with him after he named her as his running mate Wednesday, referred to Boehner’s comments during the rally.


Boehner said his relationship with the other Republican candidates were far more amicable.

'Lucifer in the flesh:' What do other colleagues say about Ted Cruz?