
Reasons To Be Concerned About The PlayStation 4 Pro

We knew this going in well ahead of the announcement at the PlayStation Meeting because Sony had already made it known that the PS4 Neo (its name at the time) would be fully compatible with all of the vanilla PS4’s software and accessories. PS4 Pro will be released in November.


The PlayStation 4 released almost three years ago in November 2013.

Sony also revealed a revamped version of its standard PlayStation 4.

The Microsoft exec was quick to point out that in many aspects the recently-launched Xbox One S is more feature-rich than the PS4 Pro.

The new PlayStation 4 Pro was used for the upcoming third-person shooter, Horizon Zero Dawn running at 4K on Sony’s latest console.

According to the rather detailed FAQ Sony posted for the console today, all games, saved data, captured videos and screenshots, system settings, and other content can be moved over to the new system using an Ethernet cable.

The Xbox Project Scorpio – which Microsoft claims to be the most powerful gaming console ever – will arrive in the second half of 2017.

We actually started thinking about the new console pretty much as soon as PlayStation 4 shipped.

The company has said that the new console will be high-end – including a faster process, improved graphics and support for 4K – but that it will sit alongside the standard PS4 and all games will continue to work on both.


Alternatively, if you’re planning on sticking to a 1080p TV, you’ll see some “increased graphical fidelity” when playing the game on a PS4 Pro.

PlayStation /PlayStation