
Rebels trained by the US are captured in Syria

The U.S. began flying armed drones over the weekend.


A spokesman in Washington said the raid by an unmanned drone was launched on Monday from the Incirlik air base near the southern city of Adana in Turkey, a U.S. ally with the second largest armed forces in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. A deadly suicide bombing in Turkey last month was blamed on Islamic State militants.

The fighter described the attacks on U.S. Division 30 as a victory that “granted us valuable lessons, like the fact that these groups are the last hope for the getting grip on the ground”.

The ability to fly out of Incirlik – and perhaps other unnamed Turkish air bases – increases the U.S.’s ability “to effectively and efficiently get more aircraft over targets in a timely fashion”, Davis said. It also would not comment on the status of the U.S.-trained fighters.

But there are problems.

The United States launched their first air strike in Northern Syria from Turkey.

Plus, he says, the training of anti-ISIS fighters is taking too long.

So far the raids have overwhelmingly targeted the Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq and southeast Turkey, to the dismay of those who want to see Ankara play a fuller role in the US-led coalition against IS. Turkey had been reluctant since March to allow coalition air strikes from their bases.

The Syrian nightmare is far from over, and supporters of President Bashar Assad continue to insist that the regime will survive the turmoil. Some made it again to Turkey.

But on July 29, the Syrian branch of al-Qaida captured the Division 30 commander, along with several of his men, as he was returning to base after a meeting.

The Prime Minister said the agreement with the U.S. on opening Turkish bases for allied jets fulfilled some of Turkey’s “concerns and expectations”. Backed by five U.S. airstrikes, the U.S.-backed rebels repelled the Nusra forces, but a handful were captured. He was using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the details publicly.

“This should have been declared publicly by President Obama or Secretary Carter, who should have then been willing to answer some of the clarifying questions that Administration officials have refused to address in Congressional hearings”. Spokesman Tech. Sgt. Ryan Crane said the restriction simply meant one more step is needed for assignments. US officials say this is not the main aim, while the United Nations has warned against calling it a “safe zone” unless the protection of civilians can be guaranteed.


ROME – A fishing boat crowded with migrants overturned Wednesday in the Mediterranean Sea off Libya as rescuers approached, and the Italian coast guard and Irish navy said at least 367 people were saved, although 25 bodies also were found in the latest human smuggling tragedy.

A military aircraft stands on the runway at Incirlik Air Base in southeastern Turkey