
Record Gameplay With New Google Play Games Feature

The option of including your own commentary is a nice touch, and while Let’s Plays from Android phones may not be as big as those coming from traditional consoles, this is still a nice feature to have in Google Play Games. Video can be encoded in 480p or 720p only. And that’s good news for Google: YouTube reports that people watch 144 billion minutes’ worth of footage of people playing video games on YouTube every month.


As for the video portion, it acts a lot like a Messenger chat head. Once your session is complete, you can trim, edit, and then upload directly to YouTube.

The new, game-recording addition is now available for users across the USA and the United Kingdom – no surprises there – while the ‘rest of the world’ should get it soon as well.

The Google Play update will begin rolling out to USA and United Kingdom users in the next few days, with more countries expected to receive the update shortly after.


In the latest version of Google Play Games, the ability to record your screen has been added. Until now, recording gameplay footage wasn’t the easiest task when it came to mobile video game applications, but with this new feature it will give anyone the chance to record and share their gameplay content. “Our end goal is to make recording and live-streaming capabilities ubiquitous on the platform, so that whether you are in the Play Games app or YouTube Gaming app, you will have instant access to that capability”, he says.

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