
Red Cross helps residents forced out by apartment fire

Ocean West was identified by fire officials as being a good candidate for smoke alarm placement, and the project proceeded with the cooperation of the park owners, Red Cross spokeswoman Cynthia Shaw said.


The National Fire Protection Association reported that three of every five home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke detectors or no working smoke detectors.

All the residents of an eight-unit apartment building in northern Sioux Falls were forced out of their homes after a fire Monday night. Preparedness starts with those smoke alarms.

“I didn’t have any smoke detectors that worked”, she stated.

“It’s a lot of fires in McKees Rocks, McKeesport”. The most prevalent local disasters are residential fires-winter being the busiest, worst time of the year.


Mayor Bill Wescott noted that the tragedy left an indelible mark on Rock Falls and Sterling, serving to bring out the best in people on both sides of the bridge. If you’re in need of a smoke alarm, call the American Red Cross at 228-896-4511. “We know we feel secure they’re going to be safe, and they can feel secure if it does happen to them”, says Boston. The volunteers will cover the areas from First Avenue to Fifth Avenue, and Fifth Street north to Second Street Saturday.

Red Cross to help Gentilly residents learn about fire safety in honor of MLK Jr.