
Registration deadline for State Primary approaches

Voters in the western part of the state should make sure they’re registered to vote and double check their party affiliation.There are many contested political races in western MA, so it’s important to make sure you’re ready to cast your vote in the State Primary on Thursday, September 8th.


Primaries are held to choose candidates for a position to represent a political party on the November 8 general election ballot. Primary voters must be registered with a political party to vote in that party’s primaries, but this is not an opportunity to change party in order to vote in the primary.

The voter registration form can also be downloaded from the state Board of Elections’ website, while those with existing accounts with the state Department of Motor Vehicles can register online through the state’s myDMV website.

The upcoming deadline applies only to those who aren’t now registered to vote in NY or have moved to another county. That deadline has passed, and a change in party registration won’t be made until after the November election. Residents who have moved to a new county within the state are reminded that they must re-register from their new address.


August 19 is also the deadline for registered voters who wish to change their party enrollment either to another party or to “unenrolled”, which is commonly referred to as “independent”. Voters registered in UIP will NOT be eligible to take a Democratic, Republican, or Green-Rainbow ballot. Mail-in voter registration forms must be postmarked by midnight, August 19th and received by a board of elections no later than August 24th to be valid for the upcoming primary election.

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