
Reince Priebus: Trump a ‘Net Positive’ for Republican Party

Karpowitz said the survey pitted Trump against Clinton to see whether the race would be competitive or if any matchups would make Utah a swing state.


“(Walker is) a thoughtful guy. “As Walker said to me months ago, this is going to be a long slog”. But the media obsession with Trump means that even the best of these candidates are not likely to get enough exposure for most voters to get to know much about them.

Following Trump is Ohio Gov. John Kasich, at 11%, and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, at 10%.

It also comes on the heels of a lackluster debate performance in which Walker stuck to his talking points, had the second-fewest minutes of speaking time and received a notable dearth of post-debate coverage.

South Carolina could be the state where Donald Trump is forced to renounce his threat to run for the White House as an independent if he doesn’t get the Republican nomination. He is sitting on top of and smothering the “angry conservative” wing of the Republican party and other choleric candidates like Ted Cruz.

Jeb Bush, Trump’s closest rival in the polls, also used the term, despite guaranteeing support for the 14th amendment and birthright citizenship. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush affirms that birthright citizenship is a “constitutionally protected right” that he wouldn’t revoke. That last question is one reason Trump can win, even though I still think it unlikely. “But what has happened is there are so many other candidates that are out there, he’s sort of lost now”. “If anything he just seems to be getting stronger as the campaign rolls on”. “We need someone who’s going to make it perform well, this country perform well”.

He recently centered in on his opposition to birthright citizenship during a campaign rally in Mobile last week. I have to do well in New Hampshire.

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker said on Sunday he has no plans to alter or repeal the 14th amendment to the US constitution, which grants citizenship to those born or naturalised in the country, as Republican presidential hopefuls continued to grapple with the issue of immigration reform.

Saying that you’re sick of political correctness is another way of saying, “I’m sick of using the part of my brain that keeps me from being a complete jerk”. Trump is a businessman and has made it quite clear that China is in his cross hairs.

The head of the West Virginia GOP, Matt Dailer, said his state party has no intention of making a third-party pledge a requirement to appear on its primary ballot, but noted that its members are free to propose the idea.

The story quoted retired New York City police officer Carl Tomanelli: “People are starting to see, I believe, that all this political correctness is garbage”.

Yet when the two go head-to-head in a new poll, The Donald wins. But if you think of it, he was a little bit less conservative, actually, than people think.

Trump also vowed Monday not to host a lavish state dinner for Chinese President Xi Jinping when he visits the US in September.

Has there ever been a more interesting presidential contest than this one? A new Monmouth University poll finds The Donald sitting atop the pack in that state, with three in ten Republican voters supporting him. But trying to follow Trump’s act might not be the best move.

When we are this far away from the official start of the primary election season, we can usually just say, “It’s still early days”.

SEPTEMBER 2009: After eight years as a Democrat, Trump returns to the Republican Party.


“You look at some of these caves and things that are out there”, he said.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Mobile Ala. on Friday Aug. 21 2015