
Renowned novelist Jackie Collins is dead

“It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our attractive , dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today”, the Collins family said in a statement. “She was a true inspiration, a trail blazer for women in fiction”. Collins, sister of actress Joan Collins, used her knowledge of Hollywood and beyond to bring scandalous tales to the page. The diagnosis came when my mum was going into hospital for an operation for a replacement knee.


“Writing sex happens like it happens in life – organically.” . “I try to make it erotic, too”. It came out in 1968 and became a scandalous bestseller, banned in Australia and condemned by romance writer Barbara Cartland. I’m not sorry about anything I did.

Collins followed in the 1970s with books like “The World is Full of Divorced Women” and “Lovers & Gamblers”. Reporter: A career spanning over four decades, penning 32 books with more than 500 million copies sold in 40 country.

It led to follow-ups like “Hollywood Husbands” (1986), “Hollywood Kids” (1984) and “Hollywood Wives: The New Generation” (2001).

He paid a moving tribute to her on GMB today, saying: “She was the most handsome , bright woman with the most wicked sense of humuor”.

Unbeknown to most; Jackie had been living with breast cancer for the past six and a half years. In the author’s final days, she told “People” I didn’t want to Mick it public. I felt worse for not telling them. I answer people’s questions.

Jackie Collins is survived by three daughters.

Even though Jackie was amidst such love and had given so much to the entertainment industry, she was missed out in the Emmy Memorial tribute.

“Julien’s Auctions did have an internal discussion about this but at that point the announcement was already in play having been confirmed a week earlier for news”, Julien’s spokeswoman Caroline Galloway said in a statement. She wrote nine novels based on the family including her last, “The Santangelos“, published this year.

Collins was married twice, the second time to art gallery and nightclub owner Oscar Lerman in 1965.

Collins was a handsome Englishwoman who adopted Los Angeles sunshine and swimming pools as only a Brit can.

Discussing her surprise, Hunniford said: “I never saw anything that spelt illness or you couldn’t believe that she would be that close to death and we thought that she was very thin in the face but she was saying LA people are on diets all the time”.


Joan Collins, reacting to her sister’s death, told People magazine that Jackie was her best friend.

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