
Rep. Cuellar marks Women’s Equality Day

However, the persistence of economic policies that degrade the value of women’s work, damage the access to fair labor and cripple career promotion undermines that promise of equality. “The constitutional amendment, the 19th amendment, is very important to women to make us equal citizens of the United States”, says member of the League of Women Voters of Ohio, Betsy Cook.


When the Supreme Court ruled against them in 1890, the suffragists knew they had to take on a more militant approach; Alice Walker formed the National Woman’s Party in 1916. But if these policies sound astonishingly beneficial to all Michiganders, that’s because women’s issues are truly everyone’s issues, and working to promote equality will only move all of us forward. It is time to stand united addressing the barriers in the areas of economic policies and women’s health that will improve our lives and our state. The millions of women who are working both inside and outside the home to support themselves and their families should demand action and not rest until changes are made.

Many took to Twitter to trumpet the power of women – celebrating the quintessential yin, in a sea of yang.

Issue One will overhaul Ohio’s redistricting system if passed. “One to take the opportunity to vote, because that’s what they spent their lives work doing is to give us that opportunity to really allow our voices to be heard and we have the courage to be able to do just that”. For women of color, the gender pay gap is even bigger.


Forty-five years later, with ultra-right Republicans dominant in Congress, we see daily attacks on women’s rights, reproductive rights, voting rights and civil rights. We not only need leaders who will do the right thing, we need them to take action now to build a more equitable future. But many women still earn far less than men for the same work, women’s freedom to make health care choices are under threat, and too many women and girls are victims of domestic violence.

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