
Reporter mocked by Trump says the 2 knew each other well

“All in all, I would say around a dozen times, I’ve interacted with him as a reporter while I was at The Daily News”. Well, I guess that means that the establishment will lose these elections.


DONALD TRUMP: I never said that. “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” I will probably be going to Sarasota, Florida, today for an enormous rally with superb people! Or perhaps he always did.

Trump has drawn strong criticism and disbelief from legal experts for saying that he would require American Muslims to register in a database in response to the Paris terrorist attacks. “They’ll probably be out of business pretty soon”. Sure, the WaPo says, there are some SuperPACs that have made a decision to go to war against Trump, but most Republican insiders believe such attempts are all doomed to fail. “I really don’t know him”.

It all comes from the same place as his plan to build a wall along the United States border with Mexico. Somebody told me yesterday, whoever he is, he did endorse me.

Trump fired back on social media, denying he had made fun of Kovaleski’s disability or would even recognise him. And after Kovaleski – as well as numerous officials – refuted the unconfirmed reports in the story that Trump is clinging onto, the candidate turned his attack on the reporter, who has a disability that limits the range of motion in his arms.

Kovaleski wrote a 2001 story while at The Washington Post, cited by Trump, reporting that authorities detained several people in New Jersey who were allegedly celebrating the downing of the Twin Towers.

I’ve watched the video clip.

This wrangle is one more on the long list of controversies that have marked Trump’s campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. “Such people are unsafe”, the board wrote. I don’t remember!’ ” Trump said as he jerked his arms in front of his body.

However, it now accepted that while its assessment of him had been correct, its “tactical response” had not. John McCain, calling Iowa voters “stupid” and tossing in a total fiction about “thousands” of New Jersey Muslims “celebrating” on 9/11 – Trump continues to top Republican polls and according to a Quinnipiac survey earlier this month had favorability ratings of 63 percent to 30 percent unfavorable.

“These are not random errors”.

“Me? A liberal? What is the Club for Growth and who are they supporting?”


Now, what’s HIGHlarious about this entire ordeal is that the reporter has responded, saying he and Trump knew each other well and were even on a first name basis. It concluded that the “only way to beat a bully is to stand up to him”. “That was not the case, as best as I can remember”, Kovaleski told CNNMoney. It’s my own tiny contribution to that effort.

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