
Reports of 20 victims at shooting in California

The San Bernardino Police Department confirmed the shooting and stated there are “1 to 3 possible suspects”.


Doug Sanders ó San Bernadino Sun San Bernardino Police Department SWAT team at the scene of an active shooter at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, Calif. Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015.

At least 20 victims were reported down after a report of an active shooter in San Bernardino late Wednesday morning, according to a San Bernardino Police Department official.

Terry Petit said his daughter works at the center, and he got a text from her saying she was hiding in the building after hearing gunshots.

CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton reports that a law enforcement source said that a bomb squad is in the process of attempting to neutralize an apparent explosive device left at the scene. San Bernardino is about 60 miles east of Los Angeles.

“Inland Regional Center coordinates with generic services to normalize the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families by working to include them in the everyday routines and life rhythms of the community and by facilitating needed supports for them”, the center’s Facebook site said. “They locked themselves in her office”.

The San Bernardino Sheriff’s Office tweeted out shortly after 2:30 p.m. about the incident.

Television images on CNN showed people being evacuated from the building, their arms raised, as triage stations were set up outside.

Lt. Rich Lawhead told the Associated Press there are reports of multiple victims and no arrests have been made.

No information is yet available on how many people were at the facility at the time of the shooting. The building is not secure and police are going door-to-door, police spokesperson Sgt. Vicki Cervantes said.


In Washington, a White House spokesperson said President Obama had been briefed by his Homeland Security Advisor Lisa Monaco about the shooting and has asked to be updated on the situation as it develops.

UPDATE ‘20 victims’ in California shooting rampage	