
Republican Brent Scowcroft backs Clinton

Never one for a subtle jab, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has launched a new website aimed at Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent.


Seeking to steady his campaign after a hard stretch, the presumptive Republican nominee cast himself as the White House candidate best positioned to address Americans’ economic interests. “We’ve had some successful events in NY…” He made his arguments in a pointed yet measured tone, less loud and strident than has been typical in most previous campaign speeches.

But several fact checkers noted that she accepted the gift on behalf of the USA government and turned it over to the agency that routinely stores such largesse from other countries. Scowcroft directly rebutted Trump’s claim that Clinton does not have the temperament to lead, citing her experience working on high-pressure issues such as Iran and Israel.

Trump last week demanded that the foundation return the $25 million it reportedly received from Saudi Arabia, asserting in a Facebook post that the Middle East nation “and numerous countries that gave vasts amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation want women as slaves and to kill gays”.

Donald Trump attempted to reboot his struggling presidential campaign yesterday, delivering a stinging but carefully crafted attack on Hillary Clinton that accused her of being “corrupt” and more interested in enriching herself than helping Americans.

214-a-11-(Donald Trump, GOP presidential candidate, in interview)-“anything about it”-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump says he doesn’t know anything about Hillary Clinton’s religion”.

It’s actually Clinton who still has some more work to do when it comes to party unity.

“I can’t help but think what would have happened if a divisive character such as Trump were president during the 2008 financial crisis, at a time when leadership, compromise and careful analysis were critical”, Paulson wrote. However, Trump is not expected to target the former president’s personal infidelities, as he did earlier in the campaign.

In Ohio, Clinton told an audience that Trump likes to boast of his business success.

Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, said on CNN this week that there were “no more than four” names on the short-list. They also showed Trump had only $1.29 million in cash on hand compared to Clinton’s $42.5 million.


What fundraising record did Trump set?

Trump on Hillary: 'World-class liar' | Bangkok Post: news