
Republican candidate debate: Ann Coulter sparks outrage over ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets

Amid the barrage of tweets commenting on the Republican presidential debate on Wednesday, a right-wing author provided the pinnacle of grotesque.


In a series of tweets during CNN’s September 16 Republican presidential debate, conservative political pundit Ann Coulter slammed the candidates for pandering to “f-ing Jews”.

The Donald Trump backer began her criticism by targeting Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas.

Coulter posted the tweet during the final minutes of the three-hour debate Wednesday evening in Simi Valley, California, when four of the 11 candidates mentioned their support for Israel in their closing remarks. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Her tweets give fodder to those who buy into the anti-Semitic notions that Jews “control” the USA government, wield disproportionate power in politics, and are more loyal to Israel than to their own country. In a 2007 interview on CNBC’s “The Big Idea”, Coulter told Jewish host Donny Deutsch that she wants her dream America to be completely Christian.

Followers accused Coulter of being “anti-Semitic”, and “desperate for attention”.

In a separate tweet, she said, “Maybe it’s to suck up to the Evangelicals”.

She ended up defending the remark to critics on Twitter. “All decent Americans should reject Ms. Coulter’s rhetoric as simply beyond the pale“.


The candidates had just addressed the need to strengthen the relationship between the US and Israel. “Ms. Coulter, since you asked so nicely, there are approximately 6.5 million Jews living in the United States”.

Ann Coulter Jews