
Republican candidates make final pitch to Nevada voters

Trump has carried New Hampshire and SC, losing Iowa to Cruz. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, a pair of freshman senators, were locked in a race for second place in SC. This means that even though the biggest delegate prize is Texas (Cruz’s home state), he will only get a share of Texas delegates even if he wins the primary there.


The Republican presidential caucus is open to registered Republicans only while the Democratic presidential preference vote is open to any registered voter.

He said that despite surveys showing him losing a hypothetical race against her, he would give Republicans a chance to win such key states as NY and MI that the party normally loses in presidential elections.

“I believe the only way to beat the Democrats is to nominate a candidate who has a significantly different record”, Cruz said, borrowing a phrase from Ronald Reagan.

If Trump wins, the news will be who came in second.

Other than Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchison, who chairs Rubio’s Nevada campaign, Heller is the state’s most prominent LDS member, making his stamp no small coup for Rubio.

The former U.S. secretary of state said on CNN: “I think there’s an underlying question that maybe is really in the back of people’s minds and that is, you know, is she in it for us or is she in it for herself?”

“Trump is a candidate of glitz and flash and bombast; Well you just described a lot of how this state works”.

Kasich’s campaign says Ridge is signing on as a national co-chairman.

Right now in Nevada, the top three Republican presidential candidates are fanning out across the state, rallying voters ahead of Tuesday night’s caucuses.

“I think that is a question that people are trying to sort through”. “There are not enough votes out there to be number one so GOP candidates are trying for number two”, said O’Connell.

Rubio is trying to set himself up as the candidate of the party establishment after former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush quit the race after a disappointing fourth-place finish in SC.

He added that Trump ruined Jeb’s candidacy by repeatedly challenging him “on 9/11 by saying that 9/11 was the fault of George W. Bush, which is true in more ways than one”. The rest of the GOP field’s delegation breakdown is: Ted Cruz, 11; Marco Rubio, 10; John Kasich, 5; and Ben Carson 3. “If Cruz bows out those voters could be split between Trump and Rubio, that is why Trump is hammering Cruz all day long and not Rubio”, said O’Connell.


But Erickson said he has become convinced that Trump’s transformation on the issue “is a conversion of convenience”.

Marco Rubio is the Republican establishment's best hope against Donald Trump. But voters may see things differently