
Republican congressman backs Clinton

“In his latest foray of insults, Mr. Trump has attacked the parents of a slain US soldier”, Hanna wrote.


Democrat Hillary Clinton soared to her best fundraising month of the election in July, raising almost $90 million for her campaign and the Democratic Party as she formally accepted her party’s presidential nomination, her campaign announced Tuesday. Of the $90 million raised, $63 million was for Clinton’s presidential campaign while about $26 million was for other Democrats, it said in a statement.

Clinton has been focusing on improving her online fundraising, and the campaign says it saw its best 24-hour period in that area last week as she accepted the nomination.

Clinton’s haul swamps the $35.8 million Trump has said he and the Republican Party raised last month.

In an op-ed for, Hanna writes that Trump is “deeply flawed in endless ways” and “unrepentant in all things” before declaring: “While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton”. The Republican nominee can’t let go of a perceived slight, no matter the potential damage to his presidential campaign or political reputation.

Trump spent the days after winning the Republican nomination criticizing a US district court judge’s Mexican heritage. Hanna, a three-term congressman who is not seeking re-election, writes that “the Republican Party is becoming increasingly less capable of nominating a person who is electable as president” and says that Trump “is unfit to serve our party and can not lead this country”. Though Hanna said he’d never Trump as far back as March, he’s gone a step further in wake of Trump’s attacks on the family of a fallen Muslim U.S. Army Captain.

Trump clashed with Khizr and Ghazala Khan after they appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention last week.

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Hillary Clinton Ohio